The 4 C’s of Communication

Who is this for?

This course is for everyone wanting to develop their Self-Leadership skills. It is one of the Elements of Excellent Leadership and like all others, it covers fundamental developmental content.

What will you do?

You will learn more about the 4 C’s of Communication: Concise, Confident, Caring and Compelling through different mediums, like text, video and problem-solving scenarios.

What are the benefits?

You will be a better communicator, and ultimately, you are how you communicate. You give a first impression to someone often before they even meet you with the first email or phone call, so let’s ensure you are putting your best foot forwards and giving others the impression of you that you want to. Effective communication leads to better relationships and makes everything easier, in the personal and professional world. Ultimately, when stripped back, most if not all issues can be linked to communication issues.

Effective Communication and the 4 C's of Communication