Global Citizenship for PSHE in Schools

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Health and well-being

Developing a sense of self and accountability to future you (2 of 3) – Personal Changes

In this part of the lesson we will look closely at personal changes that you may or may not have considered and the benefits and risks of them. This covers both your mindset and physical changes.

What do you think you need to change?

Building on the previous lesson, take (another) moment to reflect, with the table and task below.

Task Four

Using the image above, which is the foundations of Edventurous Leadership – the elements of leadership excellence. Start by looking at the groups of elements above, when asking yourself…

‘On a scale of 1 to 4, how confident am I able to say that I am [insert element group]’

Whichever one you find yourself least confident in, explore the elements of it and see what your first element to focus on might be. 

If you aren’t sure how to get going with this, email for further guidance to help. 

You can read more about these elements here.

It is essential to remember though that change isn’t always necessary or desirable too. 

Are there other things that you change about yourself? 

Before attempting to answer this question, watch the video below and see what you can learn from young children. It is a beautifully poignant reminder to us all. 

If you are adamant that change is needed I would probably agree with you, this is not about physical appearance though. Edventurous Leadership is on the side of who you can be, not who you are. Not because you are not great the way you are, but because we believe you can always be more. 

It is important to consider alongside this though two things:

  1. What do you want to change and why? 
  2. Is it within your control?

We must focus on controlling the controllables and you don’t need to have faith to understand the importance of this. 

“God give me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.” 

Reinhold Niebuhr

Body enhancement or alteration

It is important to note there are still people who have strong desires for physical changes. It is therefore vital to understand the issues and considerations relating to body enhancement or alteration, including long-term consequences.

Body enhancement or alteration refers to any modification of the body for aesthetic, cultural, or medical reasons. This includes a wide range of practices, from cosmetic surgery and tattooing to body-building and genetic modification. Here are 10 main issues and considerations associated with body enhancement or alteration, including long-term consequences:

These considerations highlight the complexity of body enhancement or alteration, involving a balance between personal desires, health, ethics, and societal influences.

We will explore ways to navigate this complexity in the next lesson linked below.